Clark Suttles is a former West High student who now attends the University of Tennessee Knoxville and works at Howmet Aerospace. Suttles graduated West High in 2019, began working at Howmet-Aerospace in 2020, graduated Walter State in 2021, started his role as an infrastructure engineer in 2022, and recently went back to UT Knoxville to get his BA in august of 2023. He has certainly worked hard after high school and has achieved a lot.
Suttles recently came back to West High to speak to Mrs. Whaley’s Web Development class and Mr. Hawkin’s AP Computer Science class. He was also joined by the human resource director, Kayla Tate, at Howmet Aerospace. Suttles spoke about his life during college, the classes he's taken at UTK and West High, and what he does at Howmet Aerospace.
At Howmet, Suttles is the IT infrastructure engineer. This entails networking, software
management, and the plant's security. For networking, he manages the many servers with their color coded wires to make sure all systems run smoothly and properly. For software management, he gives people permission to access the appropriate software they are cleared for, blocks programs that use open-source or free-ware because of security risks, and teaches new people how to add the newest software to the Software Center. With plant security, Suttles manages who gets in and out of Howmet, the cameras and check-in stations, and updates computers, firewall’s and defense software every month.
All of this being said, Suttles has achieved many great things since his time during and after high school. He went from not being sure what he wanted to do, to being the head IT engineer of Howmet Aerospace Morristown, one of the best aircraft part manufacturers in the U.S. Congratulations to Suttles on his many accomplishments and his future to come.