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Marcum memories: Students, staff share stories of Mr. Brian Marcum

Luke Davis, Kellan Mack

Mr. Brian Marcum left a legend of memories and laughs in and out of the classroom at West High. His life on Earth suddenly ended August 24, 2022. He was certainly a Trojan as one always saw him wearing his crimson shirts as a history teacher in the classroom and out of school. His sons played football at West, Marcum coached at West, and he and his wife Rebecca recorded game film for the football team. The football team now wears an "M" on the back of their helmets to represent #playformarcum. Students and staff share their memorable times of Marcum.

Brian and Rebecca Marcum show up like clock work at each football game to record film.
Brian and Rebecca Marcum show up like clock work at each football game to record film.

"We loved to fish together, and sometimes I would win but mostly he would win at Paint Creek. The few times I did win he would always have a one liner that would make me wonder, "Did I actually win or did He just let me?" Brian would tell me he would love to fish but not to catch fish. He would use that time to spend walking with God in the cool of the day. That was his legacy, a man of God, that lived, laughed and loved as only a Christian can do”. - Todd Bradley, teacher.

“Brian was one of the first faculty members to welcome me outside of my department when I first came to West. Every day, he would make a point to come talk to me in the hall or cafeteria. He always asked about my wedding, or family, or would tell me about conversations he’d had with some of my harder to reach students (especially some of my boys). He had such an impact on many of my boys that I felt were just tough for me to reach. I’ll never forget how much he genuinely cared about everyone in his path.” - Caty Palmer, teacher

"Brian was always happy to help in any way and greeted everyone he saw with a smile.

When Brian got hired at West, I remember Mr. Kinsler, principal, telling about how excited he was to come to West High and that when he was hired he was thrilled that he could wear a West High shirt, as a West High teacher. This was one of his dreams- to teach here, at West. He was so excited just to be HERE to teach.” - teacher

“Having known the Marcum's for several years, I knew. Brian's dream job was to teach here at West High School. When Brian applied for the open position here, I remember praying with them that it would work out. On June 14, 2016, Rebecca sent me a message saying " Brian was recommended for the position"! I was so excited to hear the news and knew Brian and Rebecca were too! They always supported each other's hopes and dreams. I am so thankful for this memory and to have shared in their joy. Brian definitely left his legacy and he will be missed by so many. of us.” - Darlene Atkins, teacher

“Mr.Marcum always told me good morning every morning, Mr.Marcum was amazing. I love and miss him so much.” - Kaleigh Baxley, student

“Mr. Marcum was an amazing teacher, he always gave his students many opportunities to achieve more than what we thought we could achieve. He always made sure his students were okay.” - Unnamed Student

“Mr. Marcum was and always will be the best history teacher. He always found to make us smile and learn.” - Brodey Dickens, student

“Mr. Marcum was like my friend, he helped me not only in school related stuff, but also in personal problems i had, he would always make me laugh and smile even if I was having a bad day. I learned a lot from him. The best teacher West High has ever known.” - Michelle, student

“Mr. Marcum helped me find my love for History. Before his class, I never found an interest in history. He was the best History teacher.” - Adison Manuel, student

“Mr. Marcum was a very nice and caring man. A very great Christian guy!” - Peyton Couch, student

"He was my favorite teacher and he made class fun.” - Samantha King, student

“Mr. Marcum was funny and nice and knew how to make everyone feel welcome. He gave second chances and always challenged people to do their best.” - Mikaela Mello, student

“Mr. Marcum was always there to talk when you needed to talk. Everyday going to his class and hearing his jokes; it made your day.” - Sara Jarnigan, student

“Mr. Marcum was a great teacher and an awesome person, he would always have the best stories.” - Nolan Mutter, student

“Mr. Marcum was one of the nicest [teachers] I have had. I always looked forward to world history because of him” - unnamed student

“Mr. Marcum was the greatest teacher I’ve ever had. He was never afraid to show his opinions, and he was very humorous and made me feel happy every day when I saw him. I wish I could see him one last time, thank you” - unnamed student

“Mr. Marcum was the best teacher I have ever had. He was so nice and always helped me with my work. He would never let me fail.” - Nehemiah Keasing, student

“Mr. Marcum was a great person. He was super funny and helped anyone who needed it. He was loved by so many and will be missed a lot.” - Karissa J., student

“Mr. Marcum, you were one of my favorite teachers, I really enjoyed having you as a teacher.” - Angel Juarez, student

“He was a great history teacher. We had an inside joke about the brick he kept on his desk. He helped me mentally through freshman year. He’s in a better place.” - unnamed student

“I loved when he would teach us about history, like the world wars. He was a nice person” - unnamed student

“I’m going to miss you, you were the best.” - Jack Woods, student

“Mr. Marcum was a great man. I only knew him for about three weeks, but he made me want to come to school. He made me feel safe here. He is missed very much” - Halee Lemka, student

“He made history seen more interesting and he was an awesome teacher” - Kennedy Perez, student

(Trojan football team uses #PlayforMarcum)

“His son played sports with my brother and I. I saw him a lot then. When I was little, he used to make jokes about how he met me as a baby. He asked about my brother and family. He was a good guy” - Teyla, student

“He always made everyone laugh, and made sure that no student was lost or behind in his class. I remember he used to laugh with me and my friend while we watched Netflix on his floor.” - unnamed student

"On the last day of class, a bunch of people brought donuts for him; he had so many, he was handing them out to students!" -Samantha King, student

“He always would tell me about me and Maggie, and that we better beat East in softball even if we didn’t play them that night.” - Jaelyn Mcdaniel, student

“On the last day of school of my freshman year, he asked me, ``Why aren’t you at home? It’s the last day of school!`` I jokingly said, ``My mom made me come to school.``” - Maliyah G., student

“I will always miss cracking jokes in class. It was always the best!” - Camryn Johnson, student

“Mr. Marcum used to talk about what he would do if it was the end of the world. He said he would sit on the top of his house and eat donuts. I loved him to death.” - Michael Huan, student

“One day he was telling us about the ``Chicky-poo`` in his truck, that was really the roadside service lady and he was talking to her trying to figure it out." -Samantha King, student

“When we were doing online school, he told a kid to put a shirt on every day.” - Todd Greene, student

“Brian was always very competitive. Last month we had cafeteria duty together and he would always beat me there every morning. He would say ``if you are not early, you are late`` with that grin of ``I'm the winner``. Brian would always find humor in everything that happened." - Todd Bradley, teacher.

Brian Marcum and his wife Rebecca could always be seen wearing their Trojan attire.
Brian Marcum and his wife Rebecca could always be seen wearing their Trojan attire.



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