Student’s at West High School take school spirit exceedingly seriously, but for this year's senior class the students Chase Simmons and Mackenize Collins out spirited everyone. Both Simmons and Collins happen to be members of West Highs A.O.S (Ambassador of Spirit) and W.A.O.S. (Women’s Ambassador of Spirit). These organizations represent West High's school spirit. Simmons is the Leader of A.O.S., while Collins is the leader of W.A.O.S.

Simmons shares his thoughts on winning this superlative by stating, “It’s really cool to have been given this and to have a senior superlative.” He continues to explain how being a part of A.O.S and the student body sections at games “was a great way to get together with friends and have a good time.” Simmons notes how his favorite theme for this school year's student section was Killer Clowns, and that it was an awesome theme that turned out cool this year. Simmons expressed the game he believed West had the most spirit was “The Jeff County game.” He continued, “ Everybody was going crazy because it was so close.”

Collins who is the female winner for this superlative shares her thoughts on winning Most Spirited, “I’m glad people saw how much time and effort I have put into the student section, and I feel honored and accomplished,” Collin states. She then explains her experience in W.A.O.S. and the student section. “I would say it was so exciting because I’ve been so involved in the student section the last three years and it was one of my favorite parts of football season.” Collins implies how her favorite theme was the theme for the East vs. West game; Killer Clowns. Along with the East vs. West being Collins favorite theme, it was also the game she believed to have the most spirit for this year.