The male selected for the “Coolest Car” senior superlative is Corey Holtmann! Holtmann is the proud owner of a 2020 Ford Mustang Ecoboost, he further elaborates on the specs of the car, stating, “It is a solid white with black top roof and black interior.” Although he mentioned he has only had the car for around 5 months, he still absolutely adores it, further stating, “While I do not really have a sentimental relationship with my car, I still love it so much.” Something Holtmann particularly lavishes about his car is the fact that it is a manual transmission model. To get around town, it gets the job done, Holtmann specifically states that he is very thankful for his car along with the fact that it provides a “fun way to get around.” The best part about it is, he calls it..“The Stang”

The female selected was Molly Livesay! Livesay rides around town in a Jeep Wrangler, she specifically remarked on the color of her car, being “charcoal grey.” Livesay and her Jeep have held this symbiotic relationship with each other for, as she quoted, “just a little bit over a year.” Livesay loves her car and all the different components of it, she specifically mentioned that the parts she has grown most fond of are the “lift kit, lights, and speakers,” along with the love she holds for her car, she also retains a sense of thankfulness for the means of transportation and fun it provides for her. Truthfully, Livesay takes pride in her Jeep, and all of its “attention grabbing” details.
