It’s February and love is in the air! Bereket Evans and Tamarea Hurst were voted the biggest flirts in the entire senior body. Evans and Hurst are known for their charisma and friendliness.
Hurst shards, "I appreciate the award, but as a naturally social person, I often come across as flirtatious, so because of that I'm not surprised by receiving the award. Right now I'm just focusing on myself and not pursuing anyone romantically. In my free time/ hobbies, I do gymnastics, cheer, and I like to eat. I do feel like the majority of people would recognize me or even know me when I enter a room."
Evans has had his confidence since his birth. Evans stated that in his free time he likes to, “Play basketball, lie, and flirt.” He was not surprised to be voted the biggest flirt for his senior superlative. Evans finds having a good personality and a good relationship with Jesus to be the most desirable traits in a partner. Despite the majority vote and his other statements, Evans does not consider himself a flirty guy. Evans expresses that his favorite pick up line is, “Lebron's my glorious king. Do you want to be my glorious queen?” This pick up line has gained popularity and is a big hit with the ladies. In the future, Evans wants to continue his flirtatious ways. Evans also says that if he were to walk into a room full of girls, the majority would know who he is.