During the beginning of the school year, Morristown West welcomed a new staff member to the Trojan family. Andrea Smith, a geometry teacher, grew up on a farm in West Virginia. She recalls this time and thoroughly thinks it was vital to her upbringing, and probably where she learned her values. Her values seem to outline her life for sure, considering her hard work as a teacher and a mother to an eight-year-old named Taylor. Smith indicated, “I am so thankful for how welcoming the other teachers, my geometry team, admin, and everyone at West. I feel fortunate that I have had so many reach out to me and the friendliness of everyone that I have come in contact with. I am excited about getting to know my students. My TNN is a fun group and has helped me start to learn my way around.”
Smith graduated from high school as a valedictorian and earned various scholarships to pay for her college education. During her time at West Virginia University, Smith stated that she had a professor in college for one of her math classes that was from Europe, who had a thick accent and moved extremely fast. Smith had struggled to keep up with him. She learned to advocate for herself and ask questions. Smith went to tutoring and formed a study group with her other classmates. Smith also says some of her favorite activities are traveling to beaches, hiking mountains and plays tennis as well.