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Mrs. Whaley, advisor

West High Students Create New Project Graduation T-shirts


The art contest for the 2020 project graduation celebration is now underway. Every year West High makes new t-shirts for the students. West High students can draw or make a design of anything descriptive of the class of 2020 and the student who comes up with the new West High 2020 t-shirt will receive a $100 cash prize. The project graduation committee wants a great design to go on the front of project graduation t-shirts this year. Any student from any grade level can create a new design for new t-shirts. The shirts are for East and West High students and students have to represent both schools in their design.

The people who decide the winner are a panel of senior students’ parents who are involved in planning project graduation. Usually 6-10 students turn in artwork for the contest. The art teachers are the only ones who get to see the entries from their school. Mrs. Reed art teacher said, “West High has been doing the art contest for 10 years now.” All entries are due on Friday, Feb. 7. Students who want to participate or get more information about the art contest should go see Mrs. Deena Reed for an entry form or information.

This is the 2018 to 2019 West High t-shirt.
This is the 2018 to 2019 West High t-shirt.

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