West High has a total of 13 staff, including two sub-ins. They provide food for over 1500 students. They work from 5:30am to 2:00pm to serve free breakfast and lunch for each student who wants it. The cafeteria staff commented that its hard working on cement floors for that many hours.

Dena Roach is the cafeteria manager. She's worked at West for 19 years. Roach started the share cart to try and help the students have more food. Roach shared "The hardest thing about working at West as a cafeteria staff is watching students come through the line and eat and still be hungry." The manager and staff serve good food and make sure every students who wants food doesn't go hungry.
Michelle Boatman has worked on the staff for eleven years and shares with the staff of West Side Story "Please enjoy school because whether you believe it now or not you will miss it when you leave." Boatman's favorite meal that West serves is Buffalo Chicken Pizza.
The cafeteria staff love each student and want everyone to go to school and do good and be fed. Tonya Long who has severe allergies does not eat any food that West serves but continues to make and feed each student who comes through the line. Natasha Collins loves to make the students smile by dressing up as a pizza and a hotdog. Collins remarked "Be who you are, don't be negative, be kind, because kindness goes along way and don't quit making right choices! Don't give up, keep going forward!"
Roach and the rest of the staff shares to each student at West "We love you."